Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My Pitching

Today I pitched I did an O.K. job I struck ot five people. I also got two hits and scored both times. The ending score of the game was 16-4 we won. The first time I pitched I struck out 15 batters!!! I can't remember the score we had but they had two. We are 11 and 2.


Jen@eighteen25 said...

You're doing a great job pitching and you had some great hits last night!!


jodie@eighteen25 said...

I have heard from your big brother that you are a pretty awesome pitcher. He's pretty proud of you!

Connie said...

You are the bomb! I heard you're the most awesome pitcher in Las Vegas! I can't wait to see you in action! Your Dad calls me sometimes after your games, on the way to sonic, of course, so excited to tell me how well you've done. Its so much fun for me to hear his voice all giddy and stuff!

Connie said...
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jamie carter said...

Good job Jacob. Just by the pictures, you look like you really know what you're doing. Keep up the good work.

Dave said...

Way to go big daddy Jake. Lots of hugs and kisses from daddy. Keep everything moving to the glove. Make sure you step twards the plate and finish low. I lost of strike outs in your future.